Embedding the Spectrum into Teaching and Learning

The Spectrum Institute is pleased to announce our newest workshop series "Embedding the Spectrum into Teaching and Learning". It will be a series of five Zoom sessions where Spectrum colleagues from around the world will have the opportunity to communcate their practices of teaching the Spectrum and their thoughts about enhancing Spectrum related knowledge. Each session with be an hour to 90 minutes long, and there will be two/three presentations during each session.

Our first session will be March 10th from 9:00am EST to 10:10am EST.  

Our second session will be March 24th from 9:00am EST to 10:00am EST

Our third session will be April 7th from 9:00am EST to 10:00am EST.  

Our fourth session will be be April 28th from 9:00am EST to 10:30am EST

Our fifth session will be May 12th at 9:00am EST to 10:00am EST

See the programs for more information about our sessions and the presentations we showcase those days.

*The recordings of these sessions will be posted on our YouTube page.

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