Learner Designed Individual Program Style-I

Provides learners an opportunity to discover a process and procedure that solves a broad issue or problem that the teacher has generally identified. Each learner examines the issue and selects the data to sequence, link, and construct their plan of action, including the performance criteria.


The defining characteristic of the Learner-Designed Individual Program Style is discovering the process for identifying and designing a solution to a subject matter problem that has multiple functions and parts. The teacher designs a general question and then shifts the design of the program to the learner.  All subject matter details concerning the ultimate intent, issues to investigate, rationale for the program design, sequence of events, etc., etc. as well as the assessment criteria are shifted to the learner.  Learners experience the volume of decisions that are required when designing complex programs. 

The role of the learner is to make decisions about how to investigate the general subject matter topic: to produce questions that lead to a specific focus within the general topic; to produce questions that result in identifying the process and procedures; to discover the solutions/movements; and to designate the performance criteria.

The Anatomy

In the Learner-Designed I. P. Style, the role of the teacher (T) is to design a general subject matter question or situation and identify any necessary logistical decisions for the learners. The post-impact role of the teacher is to observe and to ask questions about the consistency of the program design and planning.  The role of the learner (L) is to make all the remaining subject matter decisions that are necessary to produce (not recall) a program that solves a stated question or situation.  Some of the subject matter decisions are: producing questions that appropriately investigate the program’s specific focus, identifying the sequence and different sets of procedures; to design solutions or movements to remedy the problem; and to establish the performance criteria for feedback.

anatomy of style image

*The arrows represent the decision shifts from the Divergent Discovery Style-H to the Learner-Designed Individual Program Style-I.

Subjective Matter Objectives

When the Learner-Designed Individual Program Style is achieved, the following subject matter objectives are emphasized:

  • To discover, create, and organize ideas on one's own
  • To develop subject matter that deals with a complex issue over an extended period of time
  • To engage in a systematic process to explore and examine an issue
  • To set standards of performance and evaluation on one's own
  • Others

Behavior Objectives

When the Learner-Designed Individual Program Style is achieved, the following behavioral objectives are emphasized:

  • To accommodate individual differences in thinking and performance
  • To provide an opportunity for the learner to experience increased independence over a relatively long period of time
  • To exercise perseverance and tenacity
  • To provide opportunities for individuals to be self-directed
  • Others

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